Ante la llegada del Crime Syndicate a Tierra 0 y la desaparición de los más poderosos héroes, A.R.G.U.S. liderada por Steve Trevor parece ser la única organización capaz de enfrentar a los villanos.
Un par de personas desconocidas planean destruir A.R.G.U.S. aprovechando la invasión del Crime Syndicate a Tierra 0.
Steve Trevor recuerda el día en que piloteaba un jet cuando este es impactado por un rayo, la aeronave cae en Isla Paraiso donde es recibido por Diana, más tarde conocida como Wonder Woman.
Trevor despierta en los escombros de lo que alguna vez fue la base de A.R.G.U.S. junto a Etta Candy, quien le cuenta que fue encontrado a una milla del lugar. Trevor recuerda que cuando llegó el Crime Syndicate Madame Xanadu tuvo una visión del futuro, esta le pide a Zatanna que envié lejos a Steve para ponerlo a salvo y le pide que busque la verdad, pues esta es la clave para salvar al mundo de lo que viene.
Etta Candy le cuenta que la base fue destruida luego de que el cuerpo del doctor Light tuviera una sobrecarga de energía. De alguna forma el Crime Syndicate logró entrar en la base de datos de la organización para revelar la identidad de sus agentes, siendo estos cazados y asesinados por varios villanos, quedando tan solo unos cuantos. Los dos agentes reciben una transmisión donde el Crime Syndicate asegura que asesinó a las Justice Leagues y Cheetah se quedó con el lazo de la verdad de Wonder Woman.
Hace cinco años, Steve era pareja de Wonder Woman, quien se convirtió en la embajadora de Themyscira en el resto del mundo. Trevor es llamado por el presidente quien le cuenta que no confía en la recién creada Justice League, para ello ha estado preparando a una organización llamada A.R.G.U.S., Advanced Research Group Uniting Super-Humans (Grupo de Investigación Avanzada de Unificación de Súper-humanos) la cual desea que Trevor lidere. Esta organización será el enlace del gobierno con la Justice League, pero también la investigará.
Steve es informado que Deathstroke está en la casa Blanca tras el presidente. El mercenario está acompañado de Shadow Thief y Copperhead, lo que lleva a una batalla entre los hombres de A.R.G.U.S. y estos súper-villanos.
En las ruinas de A.R.G.U.S., una luz misteriosa aparece y empieza a tomar forma convirtiéndose en el Doctor Light, el cual se ve confundido.
Col. Steve Trevor awakes at the remains of the A.R.G.U.S. headquarters in Washington, D.C and learns from his secretary, Etta Candy, that the headquarters' destruction was caused by a massive spike in energy around Dr. Light's body and that A.R.G.U.S. and its agents have been completely exposed. After seeing the Crime Syndicate's broadcast, Trevor learns that the President is in danger, who has a back up key that would assist in A.R.G.U.S. gaining their assets back, and goes to the White House, where he encounters Shadow Thief, Deathstroke and Copperhead. Trevor is able to reach the President and escape the Secret Society's attack, returning to A.R.G.U.S.' headquarters with him. Trevor uses the President's key to open the Green Room, to keep the President and Candy safe, and heads to the Wonder Room, which he has filled with mementos of his past relationship with Wonder Woman. There, he finds the Delphi mirror and the Morai that reside within it, and strikes a deal with them to locate the missing Justice League members. After trading his memories of his time with Wonder Woman, the Morai teleport Trevor to Dr. Martin Stein's cabin, where Killer Frost has arrived. Both reveal they need Dr. Stein's help to find and help Firestorm, as Stein created the protocols that make the Firestorm fusion possible. Stein reveals that the matrix, if not found, will get overloaded and explode, causing a second big bang. Elsewhere within the Green Room, Candy begins investigating about the founding of A.R.G.U.S., and Dr. Light appears in Los Angeles and is found by people known as the Crimson Men. Secret Society members try to get in contact with Killer Frost, and use their communication coins to find her location at Dr. Stein's cabin. Dr. Stein takes Trevor and Killer Frost to his secret, off the grid, basement, where he uses his teleportation devices to transport them to A.R.G.U.S.' Detroit station, known as "The Circus". Inside, they encounter fellow A.R.G.U.S. agents, who allow Trevor to talk to one of their prisoners, Psi, in hopes of seeing if she could psychologically disrupt the Firestorm matrix to free the Justice League. When Psi touches him however, Trevor realizes that he needs Wonder Woman's lasso of truth, which is in the possession of the Cheetah. In the Green Room, the President and "Mr. Green" discuss a promotion with Candy. Killer Frost, who is weakening due to Firestorm's disappearance, helps Trevor locate the Cheetah; however, they are attacked by her menagerie and captured. Cheetah uses the lasso on Trevor, only for Trevor to gain control, noting how the lasso will choose to be controlled by the purer heart. Elsewhere, the Crimson Men take Dr. Light to their secret location, and promise to make him human again, in exchange for information on Trevor. Dr. Light heads to Trevor's location following Cheetah's defeat to kill him. Trevor and Killer Frost fight Dr. Light, with Trevor using the lasso on him, to force him to teleport away. Martian Manhunter contacts Trevor to have him come help save the Justice League. Elsewhere, in the Green Room, "Mr. Green" reveals the history of A.R.G.U.S., and reveals to be a member of the Crimson Men, looking to reshape A.R.G.U.S. through Trevor and Candy.
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